< Cast >
bitched on 2004-11-02 @ 1:49 p.m.

Name: Elena
aKa: jbehrsgurl
Description: I'm 20 years old, I'm mexican, I'm a college student and I work for the state. I live with my grandpa and I'm a dork.
Quote: "Poop!" "Freak a dime." & "You suck."

Name: Bandit
aKa: Poofely-poo
Relation: My Dog
Description: Little Party Pom that my grandpa got me to shut me up about giving my cat, Chica, back to my mom. He's stuck to me like glue and everyone calls him my baby. I guess he is since I have to carry him everywhere!
Quote: "Yap! Yap! Yap!"

Name: Grandpa
aKa: Pappy
Relation: My Grandpa
Description: Drives me crazy but I love him the same. I live with him and he spoils me to death and I love it. Who wouldn't? He also is very old fashioned and a neat freak, always has to be right and always wants to be two hours early to everything!
Quote: "Hey Girl!" & "I'm 67/72/80 years old!"

Name: Mommy
aKa: Evil witch
Relation: My mom
Description: Woman I came out of screaming like a banshee. Woman who at the drop of a dime can make me cry, scream and do things out of anger only to apologize two minutes later. I tell her everything and am not afraid of it. I trust her and for some reason I can't EVER lie to her because I always end up saying no wait! I'm lying. It's like she see'sthrough me! It's creepy.
Quote: "He/She must be on drugs."

Name: Jessica
aKa: Jess
Relation: Best Friend
Description: When across the USA to visit her in the dirty south and since love her to death. She's my one and only best friend, no she's more than that, she's my soul-sister!
Quote: "That is so depressing." & "Bye! Luv ya!"

Name: Jessika
aKa: Miss Eskobar
Relation: Best Friend
Description: Met when we were both in the Youth Aid program @ my job. We just hit it off from there. After we graduated she we went our seperate ways and for some reason we're always running into each other and starting up again wherever we left off, as if we never had that huge gap. I love her to death.
Quote: "Holla! Come over, I'll do your make-up."

Name: Marci
aKa: No Farts 4 life
Relation: Best friend.
Description:She's funny and lately has been keeping me sane. She's also the most confident (despite what she may think) person I know.<
Quote: "Did you suck his balls?"

Name: Nina
aKa: Nina Ballerina
Relation: Cousin
Description: Crazy girl. CRAZY!!!! She the most quiet cousin I have but also the worst! She's ruthless!
Quote: "What?"

Name: Monica
aKa: Tia
Relation: My tia (aunt)
Description: My mother's sister, she's my godmother too. I love her because she's funny, she understands me and she's crazy!
Quote: "My Frenchie!"

Name: Crystal
aKa: none
Relation: Was my bff in high school until some misfortunes but recently reunited.
Description: This is a girl who's done a complete 360. She was once the mexican girl next door, now she's the black girl down the block. She's still sweet as hell and very cool.
Quote: "I'm through with that high school bull shit."

Name: Tony
aKa: best bud
Relation: Best guy friend
Description: Our moms are best friends sio naturally, we're best friends. We used to work together and go to school in the same classes but she left work and I dropped out of the only class we had together after he dropped the first one we had!
Quote: "Let's kick it!"

Name: Jesus
aKa: Chavo, shithead
Relation: Brother
Description: The devil's spawn. Bu he came from my motehr, so I guess it makes since.
Quote: "You're stuuupid!"

Name: Elias
aKa: Li-Li
Relation: Cousin
Description: I love this kid even when he makes fun of me because of the time "I cried because I couldn't taste me food." He's such a mama's boy though! But he's my best friend! Quote: "Don't say that! That's a bad word, don't say that."

Name: Isaiah
aKa: Zaiah
Relation: Cousin
Description: This little booger is the most silly boy I know! He's funny, sweet, cute and loves scary movies! Quote: "Move your fat butt Lena!"

Name: Ralph
aKa: Rafa
Relation: My cousin
Quote: "Lenny Poo! Come over!" & "Can I borrow $5/10/20 bucks?"

More to come...

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